Dramatic growth in awareness of face fit testing since its introduction to the CoSHH 2002 Regulations has come to the forefront.
Optimal performance of a close fitting respirator (disposable mask, half mask, or full face mask) can only be achieved if it fits an operator’s face properly. The importance of face fit testing must be matched by adequate training.
All operators must be aware of the need for a good fit as well as carrying out the actual fit test. Breathe Safety provides a comprehensive training service that meets our clients' regulatory obligations.
As a prime service provider with significant experience, Breathe Safety attends stakeholder consultations with the HSE to keep abreast of legislative changes relating to all aspects of respiratory protection and, in turn, provide the best advice to the client.
Our fit testing technicians and trainers are experienced and Fit2Fit accredited, giving our clients complete competency assurance, and the highest standards of face fit testing.
Fit testing and training
Ideally, fit testing and training are carried out alongside one another.
Fit test planning
With extensive experience in planning very large fit testing programmes, Breathe Safety is well placed to help in planning fit testing.
Certification can be provided in any format, electronically, in A4 hard copy, or credit card sized ID cards.
Advice on mask selection
Our extensive experience with respirators of all types from a variety of manufacturers means we can provide unbiased advice and consultation on the most suitable equipment for your application.
Breath Safety compliment this service with a full range of other health services, including:
Alcohol & Drug Testing
Occupational Health Testing
Managed Induction Testing