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With an almost overwhelming array of options to choose from in the portable gas detection market, it is very important to identify the key features required for your application to ensure that you make an informed choice.

Our team is on hand to assist you in this selection process, and with an expert level of knowledge of all key manufacturers products available, we are able to help you choose between cutting-edge systems with integrated lone-working capability such as Blackline as well as cost-effective compliance systems from manufacturers such as Gas Clip, Crowcon, Honeywell/BW/Rae, MSA, Draeger, and Industrial Scientific.

With a verifiable track record of helping the largest organisations across a variety of industries, Breathe Safety is best placed to advise on any of your gas detection requirements in any of the following areas:

  • Personal Gas Detection

  • Area Gas Detection

  • Fixed Gas Detection

Personal Gas Detection

Personal Gas Detection

Area Gas Detection

Area Gas Detection

Fixed Gas Detection

Fixed Gas Detection

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